Donna Luigia, Torre Fornello's organic wine | Malvasia D.O.C. Colli Piacentini

Donna Luigia, Torre Fornello's organic wine | Malvasia D.O.C. Colli Piacentini
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Malvasia D.O.C. Colli Piacentini

Dedicated to “Donna Luigia” Scotti Douglas, owner of the winery, who lived at the turn of the XIX century. Se was the descendant of a noble scottish family and a woman with a srong character, just like this wine..

Type: White, dry, still, 20% barrel aged for 6/9 months – 80% in steel, even from long aging
Grape variety: 100% Malvasia di Candia aromatica
Year of planting: 1990
Training system: Low Guyot
Soil: Slightly calcareous / subalkaline
Average yield per hectare: 6000 Kg
Alcohol content: 13% vol.
Serving temperature: 10-12°C
Organoleptic characteristics: Bright straw-yellow colour with amber highlights. Fresh and intense on the nose where the distinctive aroma of Malvasia is present with hints of mint, star anise, passion fruit and lychee. It is a dry, crisp aromatic wine which is pleasantly complex, lingering, well-rounded and structured. Also fit for ageing.
Pairings: Intense flavours, strong white meat dishes, pasta with red radicchio or with sauces, chicken breat with béarnaise sauce, pasta with pesto and crèpes with wild mushrooms, lake fish, salt cod, wild smoked salmon, smoked meats, fois gras, cheese, risotto with truffle, spicy and curry dishes.

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